Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let's Talk Food

by Jen Kulman

Our first house had a very small kitchen, but our current house is more generous in this respect. I accepted the extra storage space as my personal challenge. During a particularly good cereal sale, a fellow shopper saw my cart and exclaimed "
Wow! How many kids do you have?" Er, just the one. We're good eaters!
These are my cabinets for baking supplies and canned goods (with dog treats on the bottom for shameless beggars). I like being prepared for baking emergencies that pop up. Jen - we need four pans of brownies, STAT. I thought everyone stocked up like this, until some of my friends came over and made fun of me. I was going to give them each a bottle of corn syrup for quick energy, but they blew it with their snide comments.

In all seriousness, we actually stock up to save money. Our storage space and deep freeze make it possible to take advantage of store sales and coupons. When you have access to an abundance of food, it is easy to forget that others do not. Food banks across the country are asking us to help those who do not have the same resources. Our local unit, Gleaner's Community Food Bank states that one in eight families will need emergency food assistance this year. It is terrifying to think of not having food for your family.

Knowing that families across the nation are struggling with meeting their basic needs serves as a reminder of how fortunate we are. The Short and Incredibly Happy Life of Riley by Colin Thompson is a great book for helping kids understand the importance of appreciating what you have.

Riley is immensely happy with the basics of life - food, shelter, love, and a scratching stick for his back. His life may be short, but he glows with happiness.
In contrast, humans desire more material goods, often unable to appreciate what we already have. This sweet purple rat allows us to teach our kids a valuable life lesson in a fun way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Toby reminds me of my 10 year old pug Norma, who loves to review Kane Miller books with Michael,our three year old neighbor. Look at the K-M blog for 1/2/08 to see her picture. She's now 10 years old and loves to cuddle when I read.

Toby must like your cupboards as much as Norma likes ours. She also knows which cupboard is hers. AND, there must be something about K-M that attracts pug lovers. I'm looking forward to hearing more about Toby. Perhaps Norma and Toby are related. Some of Norma's relatives from Candyland Pugs now live in Michigan.