Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fathers That Read!

Discovering new blogs that focus on parenting and reading is always a good find. This morning, I spent a lot of time reading book reviews and blog posts from Book Dads: Fathers That Read!

I also signed into my GoodReads account for the first time in quite a while. There, somehow, I discovered the Never-Ending Book Quiz which is a whole lot of fun and wastes a whole lot of time too, so be careful! You can select the general quiz, or trivia based on the books in your reading list!

Please let me know about any great book sites or blogs that I may not already be aware of. I'm always on the lookout for more great reads!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Thanks so much for visiting and mentioning us here.

I've put you in our blogroll too.